
Writing Tabletop AI
Recently I’ve been working on a project with a fairly prominent piece of cardboard AI in it and I was thinking about writing this blog,...

Graphic Design for people who don’t know anything about graphic design
Right off the bat, I want to make very clear, this is in relation to designing your Kickstarter page only. Unless you're a professional...

How To Keep An Ideas List
I have a bit of a process (not much) with my game development. It works roughly like this, I have one game that’s in main development,...

Moonflight Development: Many Moons - Developing Asymmetric Games
So, from the first the basic mechanics of Moonflight were pretty solid. I’ve tweaked the player steps to avoid downtime and combat hate...

Temple Crush: Crushing It
Temple Crush is based on a fairly simple and obvious idea really. There are blocks and meeples in most euro games and ancient temples...

Players: 2-4 Age: 12+ Teaching Time: 10 mins Playing Time: 60 mins Setup Time: 5 mins Value For Money: Mid Luck: Low Complexity: Mid...