Design in Detail: First Concepts
Since I'm now a designer on a successful Kickstarter project, developer on a very popular set of wargame rules and currently starting on...
Kickstarting The Easy Way
This is a blog outlining my personal experiences with SSO, which is both my first Kickstarter project and my first independent table top...
Moonflight is based on a basic deck builder pattern but extended by the secondary concept of a "deck unbuilder". By valuing a player's...
Collecting SDJ: One man's decent
Early in 2017 I decided to engage in the slightly fool quest of collecting the entire Spiel De Jahres based on the fact that I noticed I...
CE Marking in Boardgames Advice
Updated 27th April 2018 to include EN71-3:2013 and includes the latest changes to EN testing regulations. The following Blog is intended...
Skirmish Game Portfolio
The following are skirmish game rule sets that I've created available for development and publishing: Kingpin - A 50's noir detective...
Prototype Portfolio
The following are card and board games that I've designed and prototyped. They are available for development, collaboration and...
SSO A New Frontier in Fear!
SSO is a cards and counters boardgame. It has elements of worker placement Euro games as players move their crew around the ship to...