Writing Tabletop AI
Recently I’ve been working on a project with a fairly prominent piece of cardboard AI in it and I was thinking about writing this blog,...
Skirmish Games: Developer’s Diary for Martian Racing Federation
Hopefully the subject of this blog should be on free release by now, if it isn’t it soon will be. Some time ago a fairly casual comment...
Graphic Design for people who don’t know anything about graphic design
Right off the bat, I want to make very clear, this is in relation to designing your Kickstarter page only. Unless you're a professional...
Skirmish game design diary: Mean Street 2084
I’ve recently been signed on to write a series of one-off miniature wargame scenarios for miniature wargames magazine. I thought people...
A Song of Tales Designer's Diary: Origins
A few years ago, now I was at a wedding of a close friend and I ended up in a conversation with a stranger at my table centering on two...
How To Keep An Ideas List
I have a bit of a process (not much) with my game development. It works roughly like this, I have one game that’s in main development,...
What Ho! And Away We Go
The latest in our series of downloadable skirmish games is What Ho! Its also the first to not have a free option, costing a minimum of...
How I Write Skirmish War Games: Multiplayer Problems
Traditional table-top wargames tend to set up as one on one versus competitive games, if they allow for more than two players it...
Moonflight Development: Many Moons - Developing Asymmetric Games
So, from the first the basic mechanics of Moonflight were pretty solid. I’ve tweaked the player steps to avoid downtime and combat hate...
Temple Crush: Crushing It
Temple Crush is based on a fairly simple and obvious idea really. There are blocks and meeples in most euro games and ancient temples...